I always loved going to school. Don't get me wrong, I mean the meeting-my-friends part, not the study part ;) . The best times in school were the breaks and dispersals. I always love to move around a lot and that's the time I get to roam and meet all of my friends from all over the school. I always enjoyed and was grateful for these times but I never cherished or appreciated them... until 2020...

All of us as students at some point have imagined how "great" it would be if we could also have school from home like our parents. Well... little did we know!!! This whole academic year was from home and it only took me a very short time to hate it. I accept there were definitely some pros involved like unofficial holidays but I would give them up any day for offline ( I never expected in my wildest dreams that the words offline and online would be used in the context of school ) classes. 

I remember when corona hit... it was during my last board exam. A lot of the students were already aware and were already wearing masks to the exam. But none of us in our wildest dreams thought it would be a global pandemic and will have to sit. 

Its like 11th didn't even register and I aand somehow I am now in 12th. I have to start getting serious and actually start working hard.                                                              

I have put in all my hopes into this year and even thought it's not really looking very good at the moment, I choose to hold on to it. I choose to spread that hope and positivity to everyone who is starting to get vexed about this. Almost all of my friends are getting really really annoyed and we have started online classes again which is even more frustrating. When we shut down our devices after the last online class we thought that was it, it was going to be back to normal gradually. We didn't expect to have online for 12th as well.

I am holding on to the hope that online classes will continue only for bridge course and not the whole year. I seriously seriously don't want to spend my official last year of school sitting at home. I very much hope and pray am not disappointed. 😀


  1. Add my hope to yours❤️. Very well written, as always, Ms.V!

  2. Nice Vaishnavi.Keep it up.

  3. Nicely written! Maybe just like how the workplaces are now discussing a hybrid return to work, maybe there will be a hybrid structure for school too... who knows?! Anything is possible nowadays! But hold on to that hope! Everything will turn out to be good! Best wishes for the new academic year!


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