So I have decided to be an optimist... at least for the rest of lockdown (which I hope gets over soon). 
From all the whining that I did in my last blog you have probably refrained from reading anymore of it. I have to assure you this is not whiny. I re-discovered a lot of my old hobbies and dug out a lot of new ones in this quarantine period. Before I go into detail I realized my problem is not the lockdown but that it is happening during my tenth holidays. But what can we do!!!!

Anyway, my most favorite thing that happened in this period yet is a doodle workshop that I attended. Basically I am very very bad at drawing proper portraits and features and hands and legs but I love to give it a try. But given my lack of patience, I usually get annoyed and give up. This workshop totally totally gave me a new perspective in drawing people and I totally found out that am much much better at doodling peopling than drawing them for real. It was a ten day workshop and I had so much fun. There were so many topics covered and I enjoyed learning each one of them. So that's a great thing that happened in lockdowm.

I baked and baked and baked a lot. I guess my measuring cups and baking pans and ingredients missed me too much during my boards and they are compensating for when 
I abandoned them. I am not complaining. It was not all junk baking... I also made a lot of sugarless and multigrain stuff but they were all mostly junk only though. Well, I am back to baking and that is the point. 

Another thing I am very glad about is that I have started catching up on my yoga and that is the best thing. I totally did not get time to do yoga all year what with all the tutions and extra classes. I tried for the first few months but I was either tired or busy and then I eventually gave up. Well, except for the weekly yoga classes which mostly went in chatting and lining up the whole class. I had gained a lot of weight over the last few months of my tenth grade and towards the end I felt guilty eating every bite (thought that didn't stop me from stress-eating). But I think I have lost a lot of the fat that I gained over the year and am back in shape. I have not been athletic neither am I much of a sports person but it definitely feels good to be back in shape.

I started acrylic painting. I always loved the way the paint blended and spread so well and imagining painting on a canvas made me feel like a real artist. The first thing I did (after buying my first sim card) was go and buy new art supplies to keep me through the holidays. Boy, am I glad I did that before proper lockdown. All have not come out that well  but I think they are decent for a beginner.
I also started cross stitching. My mom has been cross stitching since for ever and I was always in awe of how those small threads of cross formed a beautiful picture and now I know!!!

The bottom line is I kept myself as occupied as possible without looking too much into my phone screen.  But I sure am happy that I found a way to while away my time in this never ending lockdown. 😃😃😃


  1. Beautifully written..and I applaud your thought process and the positivity in it. Everyone tends to evolve with change. Am sure this change is going to lead you to become one of the finest woman in the future.

  2. Good one!
    //But I sure am happy that I found a way to while away my time in this never ending lockdown.// Instead of never ending you could have used prolonging...

  3. Art is a very good skill to have, even in regular professional/ competitive job. Good that you have learnt it during the holidays.

  4. Vaishu ma.... beautifully written. Way to go girl 💪👏


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