I officially give up. I know you already are hoarded with information on the c-word disease, quarantine and now liquor shops but I just couldn't take it anymore. Almost two months of my tenth holidays ( which you will know I was eagerly waiting for if you had read my last blog, if you haven't be sure to check it out ) are gone down the drain that am never getting back and I am finally doing this... writing a blog about my lockdown. Believe me I tried a lot to think of another topic but with each passing day my mind kept forming a blog post so you see, it's really not up to me. But I assure you this is not going to be about the statistics or news but all about my quarantine.

But I want to share that this third phase of lockdown is the most difficult. The first and second was like " OK, this is going to be a different experience and I think I can manage." But this is giving me literal blues. One moment I feel "Life is great. I am having a hell lot of free time and great food," and the next minute I say with a choked-up throat and tears on the edge of my eyes "I wanna get out of the house." The second mood of mine has gotten my family worried. 
The worst part is that these are two months of my tenth holidays that am never getting back and my to do list goes down the drain. I definitely day dreamed about writing about how great my tenth vacation is going on and what an amazing time am having but never once in my right mind did I ever think about ranting and raving about how am not. 

Anyway, before you decide to leave because it has become a cliche post again I will get into how am spending my time or rather my "vacation". Well, since I am having a lot of interests I pretty much try to keep myself occupied by them and trying to improve my knowledge on them. That's one thing I can strike off in my list, am learning new hacks and have improved in a lot of my hobbies. 

I have tried a lot of recipes, made a ton of paintings and sketches, started cross stitch, read books , texted my friends, called my friends, started using snapchat ( and liking it ) , did a lot of yoga, ate a lot of home made junk, watched a zillion movies and made dalgona coffee ( and did not like it ). Spending time with my parents is in there somewhere ;) . But I am still bored because it's the same old routine every single day. 

This is officially the last phase of lockdown and after this is live with corona i.e, keep yourself safe. Personally, I would rather live with corona than hide away from it. Hopefully I can go out at least fifty percent of how much I would have gone till now.... finger crossed. I have really forgotten how roads look like and how it feels to travel in an auto... am damn serious. This way I can probably enjoy it much better. 



  1. I guess this phase is the best example for "live in the present" that our Gurus keep telling us... though this is sure to pass, trust in that feeling alone and stick to the present... when the better times come, you will be able to relish it better...

    Hakuna Matata!

    1. Thank you Shubha chithi... that's what I keep telling myself 🙂🙂

  2. Nice write up Vaishnavi. Keep writing.


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