Not more than two weeks for the much dreaded "board exams" and here I am writing a blog. I thought I will put it off till my exams are over,  but you know how it is. Everybody around me is counting down on when the exams are starting and me, I am counting down for when the exams will end. It has gotten really frustrating towards the end, we have had endless exams and more and more and still more revision so at this point it feels like "get it over with already" but I am telling myself, "Hang in there. You have passed several months, 34 days (as of today) is nothing".

My thoughts  constantly trail off to what I will do in the holidays and how I will spend those most fantasized three months. I have dreamt about my 10th holidays since my ninth grade, I thought "Wow, when I finish my 10th I will have holidays for a whole three months!". But it never struck me that I will first have to finish 10th before I had the holidays. 

Now what I am really surrounded by is books and sample papers and lots and lots of tips and advice (some of which are really helpful) but what I am mostly hearing is "10th is very easy. You will definitely ace it." This I get mostly from seniors. Outside I am smiling and nodding my head but inside I am thinking "Easy for you to say, but I am the one writing it". But deep down I also know that I am going to be saying the same thing to my juniors the next year.

Anyway, we all got our hall tickets last week and we were given instructions on how to write our roll number and answer the questions. I have always looked up to the 10th graders and exclaimed, "WOW, they are writing their boards!" and it has always surprisingly felt far away, but now that it is only two weeks away, I feel a little sick in the stomach. One part of me is saying, "If so many people can do it, then so can you", but another part of me goes, "Woah, this is way too scary!" But I guess we will all have to wait and watch!!!


  1. When babies are born, we call each and every small growth/development they show as "a milestone"... they relentlessly put their efforts and eventually succeed... the adults know the young ones will eventually do it and celebrate once the babies achieve each step...

    10th is your first milestone... we know you'll do it anyway and we'll be there to give you your well deserved pat once you're done...

    But remember, life is just starting, let's relish it with each passing stage!

  2. Wow!! Beautifully penned down.
    God bless you Miss beautiful
    And all the best wishes for the upcoming venture.

  3. Great write up Vaishvani!!! All the best!!!!

  4. 25 years have passed since I took my first board exams and really frustrated to know that kids are still traumatised for a non-existent demon called " board ". Well, the only positive aspect of the board is you get trained to hold your nerves ( if you do) and deliver your best... This can come in handy in the future when there is a need to be really nervous on important situations. The so called hype around boards also gives a great confidence boost to the kids as it also gives a sense of accomplishment for just doing a yearly ritual, yet another time.

    Vaishnavi, take it from me... you are going to face a different world, whose expectations from you are going to be way beyond your 10th grade marks.... If parents or peers or schools have tried to feed into you that if you screw up here, you have not done well for yourself , they are miserably wrong.... Do enjoy your 10th holidays and start planning for it even more meticulously.
    That will be the only time well spent and worthy enough too....Well... i ll be failing in my duty, if am not saying " All the best"... for it is going to be one of the best days.. for all the thrill and suspense that awaits you.... (Shriram chitapa..)

  5. I'm sure you will do well, V! Then you can enjoy your holiday. You go girl!


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