The Life Of A Foodie

I would like to start about the common misconception made about foodies is that we always eat and we are fat. No, that is totally not true!! It just means that we enjoy every bite we eat and love to eat and as for the fat thing, loving to eat doesn't mean we can't exercise and keep ourselves fit. For example, I have always seen non-foodies complain about having just curd rice and nothing " special ". Well, for me food itself is special be it in a fancy restaurant or a a simple rasam and curd rice at home ( I especially love my granny's food, not matter what dish it is ).

Being a foodie has its own ups and downs (like everything does). One of the ups is that we get to enjoy everything we eat because we enjoy food as a whole. It's not that we don't hate any food item, there are a few, but we just don't have any favorites because food as a whole is our favorite. Let's get back to the curd rice... when a non-foodie complains about hating curd rice and they are forced to eat it or go without no food, they do not get to enjoy the essence of the curd rice. But me, when curd rice is one of the dishes for lunch ( it mostly is an important part of every South Indian lunch ) I go "Yayy!!!" And bring my pickle to enjoy it! This way I get to enjoy my proper lunch!! To have that each bite with a mix of my favorite flavored pickle... believe it or not my mouth is watering right now!!!😋😋 

To be honest, we have all seen in Tom and Jerry the one of them are carried in the air by the good smell of some delicious cooking, and it has happened literally by the beautiful smell of my mom"s chakra pongal or paneer and... Oh! Here is my mouth drooling again!! 😋 My point is food is one of the most important part of life and we have to eat if we like it or not, so why not enjoy with relish!!! 

PS: This post is to clear the concept of a foodie, not to justify me being a foodie!!!😅😅


  1. Hahaha, love the tom and jerry reference. Absolutely agree!! Happy eating to you

    1. Thank u mummy!! Me eating totally lies in ur hands tho!! 😅😅

  2. Beautifully written Vaishvani!!! Am a foodie too and am proud to say that 😁


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